T, stringsAsFactors
'data.frame': 891 obs. of 12 variables:
## $ PassengerId: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Survived : int 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
## $ Pclass : int 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 ...
## $ Name : chr "Braund, Mr. Owen Harris" "Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)" "Heikkinen, Miss. Laina" "Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)" ...
## $ Sex : chr "male" "female" "female" "female" ...
## $ Age : num 22 38 26 35 35 NA 54 2 27 14 ...
## $ SibSp : int 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 ...
## $ Parch : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 ...
## $ Ticket : chr "A/5 21171" "PC 17599" "STON/O2. 3101282" "113803" ...
## $ Fare : num 7.25 71.28 7.92 53.1 8.05 ...
## $ Cabin : chr "" "C85" "" "C123" ...
## $ Embarked : chr "S" "C" "S" "S" ...
## $ PassengerId: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Survived : int 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
## $ Pclass : int 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 ...
## $ Name : chr "Braund, Mr. Owen Harris" "Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)" "Heikkinen, Miss. Laina" "Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)" ...
## $ Sex : chr "male" "female" "female" "female" ...
## $ Age : num 22 38 26 35 35 NA 54 2 27 14 ...
## $ SibSp : int 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 ...
## $ Parch : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 ...
## $ Ticket : chr "A/5 21171" "PC 17599" "STON/O2. 3101282" "113803" ...
## $ Fare : num 7.25 71.28 7.92 53.1 8.05 ...
## $ Cabin : chr "" "C85" "" "C123" ...
## $ Embarked : chr "S" "C" "S" "S" ...
PassengerId Survived Pclass Name
## Min. : 1.0 Min. :0.0000 Min. :1.000 Length:891
## 1st Qu.:223.5 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.:2.000 Class :character
## Median :446.0 Median :0.0000 Median :3.000 Mode :character
## Mean :446.0 Mean :0.3838 Mean :2.309
## 3rd Qu.:668.5 3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:3.000
## Max. :891.0 Max. :1.0000 Max. :3.000
## Sex Age SibSp Parch
## Length:891 Min. : 0.42 Min. :0.000 Min. :0.0000
## Class :character 1st Qu.:20.12 1st Qu.:0.000 1st Qu.:0.0000
## Mode :character Median :28.00 Median :0.000 Median :0.0000
## Mean :29.70 Mean :0.523 Mean :0.3816
## 3rd Qu.:38.00 3rd Qu.:1.000 3rd Qu.:0.0000
## Max. :80.00 Max. :8.000 Max. :6.0000
## NA's :177
## Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
## Length:891 Min. : 0.00 Length:891 Length:891
## Class :character 1st Qu.: 7.91 Class :character Class :character
## Mode :character Median : 14.45 Mode :character Mode :character
## Mean : 32.20
## 3rd Qu.: 31.00
## Max. :512.33
## Min. : 1.0 Min. :0.0000 Min. :1.000 Length:891
## 1st Qu.:223.5 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.:2.000 Class :character
## Median :446.0 Median :0.0000 Median :3.000 Mode :character
## Mean :446.0 Mean :0.3838 Mean :2.309
## 3rd Qu.:668.5 3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:3.000
## Max. :891.0 Max. :1.0000 Max. :3.000
## Sex Age SibSp Parch
## Length:891 Min. : 0.42 Min. :0.000 Min. :0.0000
## Class :character 1st Qu.:20.12 1st Qu.:0.000 1st Qu.:0.0000
## Mode :character Median :28.00 Median :0.000 Median :0.0000
## Mean :29.70 Mean :0.523 Mean :0.3816
## 3rd Qu.:38.00 3rd Qu.:1.000 3rd Qu.:0.0000
## Max. :80.00 Max. :8.000 Max. :6.0000
## NA's :177
## Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
## Length:891 Min. : 0.00 Length:891 Length:891
## Class :character 1st Qu.: 7.91 Class :character Class :character
## Mode :character Median : 14.45 Mode :character Mode :character
## Mean : 32.20
## 3rd Qu.: 31.00
## Max. :512.33
traindata$Embarked <- factor(traindata$Embarked)
traintest <- missForest(traindata[,-c(4,9,11)])$ximp
traindata$Embarked <- factor(traindata$Embarked)
traintest <- missForest(traindata[,-c(4,9,11)])$ximp
missForest iteration 1 in progress...done!
## missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
## missForest iteration 3 in progress...done!
## missForest iteration 2 in progress...done!
## missForest iteration 3 in progress...done!
Boruta performed 10 iterations in 4.891767 secs.
## 7 attributes confirmed important: Age, Embarked, Fare, Parch,
## Pclass and 2 more;
## No attributes deemed unimportant.
## 7 attributes confirmed important: Age, Embarked, Fare, Parch,
## Pclass and 2 more;
## No attributes deemed unimportant.
plot(boruta_train, xlab = "", xaxt = "n")
lz<-lapply(1:ncol(boruta_train$ImpHistory),function(i) boruta_train$ImpHistory[is.finite(boruta_train$ImpHistory[,i]),i])
names(lz) <- colnames(boruta_train$ImpHistory)
Labels <- sort(sapply(lz,median))
axis(side = 1,las=2,labels = names(Labels),
at = 1:ncol(boruta_train$ImpHistory), cex.axis = 0.7)
plot(boruta_train, xlab = "", xaxt = "n")
lz<-lapply(1:ncol(boruta_train$ImpHistory),function(i) boruta_train$ImpHistory[is.finite(boruta_train$ImpHistory[,i]),i])
names(lz) <- colnames(boruta_train$ImpHistory)
Labels <- sort(sapply(lz,median))
axis(side = 1,las=2,labels = names(Labels),
at = 1:ncol(boruta_train$ImpHistory), cex.axis = 0.7)
Warning in TentativeRoughFix(boruta_train): There are no Tentative
## attributes! Returning original object.
## attributes! Returning original object.
Boruta performed 10 iterations in 4.891767 secs.
## 7 attributes confirmed important: Age, Embarked, Fare, Parch,
## Pclass and 2 more;
## No attributes deemed unimportant.
## 7 attributes confirmed important: Age, Embarked, Fare, Parch,
## Pclass and 2 more;
## No attributes deemed unimportant.
[1] "Pclass" "Sex" "Age"
"SibSp" "Parch" "Fare"
## [7] "Embarked"
## [7] "Embarked"
meanImp medianImp minImp maxImp normHits decision
## Pclass 33.91001 34.06550 32.33488 35.51682 1 Confirmed
## Sex 76.18385 76.74179 73.12429 78.15511 1 Confirmed
## Age 30.85620 30.93894 27.39081 33.15044 1 Confirmed
## SibSp 18.52499 18.54277 16.96003 20.98996 1 Confirmed
## Parch 12.46269 12.59703 11.08369 14.48570 1 Confirmed
## Fare 30.27967 30.28331 28.69235 31.52378 1 Confirmed
## Embarked 12.58664 11.97207 10.65647 16.09177 1 Confirmed
## Pclass 33.91001 34.06550 32.33488 35.51682 1 Confirmed
## Sex 76.18385 76.74179 73.12429 78.15511 1 Confirmed
## Age 30.85620 30.93894 27.39081 33.15044 1 Confirmed
## SibSp 18.52499 18.54277 16.96003 20.98996 1 Confirmed
## Parch 12.46269 12.59703 11.08369 14.48570 1 Confirmed
## Fare 30.27967 30.28331 28.69235 31.52378 1 Confirmed
## Embarked 12.58664 11.97207 10.65647 16.09177 1 Confirmed
rfe_train <- rfe(traintest[,3:9], traintest[,2], sizes=1:12, rfeControl=control)
rfe_train <- rfe(traintest[,3:9], traintest[,2], sizes=1:12, rfeControl=control)
Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last),
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Warning in randomForest.default(x, y, importance = (first | last), ...):
## The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do
## regression?
## Recursive feature selection
## Outer resampling method: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
## Resampling performance over subset size:
## Variables RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD Selected
## 1 0.4086 0.2986 0.3342 0.02685 0.09779 0.02150
## 2 0.3922 0.3559 0.3243 0.02485 0.09674 0.02183
## 3 0.3719 0.4297 0.3084 0.02650 0.11046 0.02196
## 4 0.3627 0.4612 0.2998 0.02685 0.11105 0.02197
## 5 0.3635 0.4686 0.3069 0.02395 0.10605 0.01948
## 6 0.3452 0.4911 0.2488 0.02927 0.10422 0.02462 *
## 7 0.3471 0.4862 0.2549 0.02846 0.10176 0.02225
## The top 5 variables (out of 6):
## Sex, Pclass, Age, Fare, SibSp
## Recursive feature selection
## Outer resampling method: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
## Resampling performance over subset size:
## Variables RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD Selected
## 1 0.4086 0.2986 0.3342 0.02685 0.09779 0.02150
## 2 0.3922 0.3559 0.3243 0.02485 0.09674 0.02183
## 3 0.3719 0.4297 0.3084 0.02650 0.11046 0.02196
## 4 0.3627 0.4612 0.2998 0.02685 0.11105 0.02197
## 5 0.3635 0.4686 0.3069 0.02395 0.10605 0.01948
## 6 0.3452 0.4911 0.2488 0.02927 0.10422 0.02462 *
## 7 0.3471 0.4862 0.2549 0.02846 0.10176 0.02225
## The top 5 variables (out of 6):
## Sex, Pclass, Age, Fare, SibSp
[1] "Sex" "Pclass" "Age"
"Fare" "SibSp" "Embarked"