Dot Density Electoral Map
doInstall <- TRUE
toInstall <- c("XML", "maps", "ggplot2", "sp","RCurl","httr","plyr")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
myURL <- ",_2012"
tabs <- getURL(myURL)
allTables <- readHTMLTable(tabs)
#tabs <- GET(myURL)
#allTables <- readHTMLTable(rawToChar(tabs$content), stringsAsFactors = F)
#stateTable = readHTMLTable(readLines(myURL, encoding = "UTF-8"), which = 14, header = T)
#str(allTables) # Look at the allTables object to find the specific table we want
stateTable <- allTables[[14]] # We want the 14th table in the list (maybe 13th?)
# Clean up:
stateTable <- stateTable[2:(nrow(stateTable)-1), ] # Drop summary lines
stateTable <- rename(stateTable,c("V1"="State","V3"="Obama","V6"="Romney","V20"="Total"))
stateTable$State <-, strsplit(as.character(stateTable$State), "\\["))[, 1]
stateTable$State[stateTable$State == "District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia"] <- "District of Columbia"
stateTable$State <-gsub(",", "",stateTable$State)
whichAreNumeric <- colMeans(apply(stateTable, 2, function(cc){
regexpr(",", cc) != -1})) > 0 #判断是否为数字列
stateTable[, whichAreNumeric] <- apply(stateTable[, whichAreNumeric], 2, function(cc){
as.numeric(gsub(",", "", cc))}) #删除数字列中的逗号
new_theme_empty <- theme_bw() # Create our own, mostly blank, theme
new_theme_empty$line <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$rect <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$strip.text <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$axis.text <- element_blank()
#new_theme_empty$axis.title <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$plot.margin <- structure(c(0, 0, -1, -1), unit = "lines",
valid.unit = 3L, class = "unit")
stateShapes <- map("state", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
stateShapes <- fortify(stateShapes) # 转为数据框
### New stuff begins here ###
pointCollector <- list()
perNCapita <- 1000
for(ss in stateTable$State){
stateShapeFrame <- stateShapes[stateShapes$region == tolower(ss), ]
if(nrow(stateShapeFrame) < 1){next()}
statePoly <- Polygons(lapply(split(stateShapeFrame[, c("long", "lat")],
stateShapeFrame$group), Polygon), ID = "b")
nDems <- ceiling(stateTable[stateTable$State == ss, "Obama"] / perNCapita)
nReps <- ceiling(stateTable[stateTable$State == ss, "Romney"] / perNCapita)
nOther <- ceiling(with(stateTable[stateTable$State == ss, ],
Total - Romney - Obama) / perNCapita)
pDems <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nDems, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Obama") #空间数据抽样,样本数nDems,抽样方法random,regular,stratified,nonaliged,hexagonal,clustered,Fibonacci
pReps <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nReps, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Romney")
if(nOther < 1){
pOther <- data.frame(x = NULL, y = NULL, Vote = NULL)
} else {
pOther <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nOther, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Other")
allPoints <- data.frame(State = ss, rbind(pDems, pReps, pOther))
pointCollector[[ss]] <- allPoints
pointFrame <-, pointCollector)
# Randomize, so we don't overplot "Other" on top of "Romney" on top of "Obama."
pointFrame <- pointFrame[sample(1:nrow(pointFrame), nrow(pointFrame)), ]
mapPlot <- ggplot(stateShapes)
mapPlot <- mapPlot + geom_point(data = pointFrame,
aes(x = x, y = y, colour = Vote),
shape = ".",
alpha = 1/2)
mapPlot <- mapPlot + geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
colour = "BLACK", fill = "transparent")
mapPlot <- mapPlot + coord_map(project="conic", lat0 = 30)
mapPlot <- mapPlot + new_theme_empty
mapPlot <- mapPlot + scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "red", "green"))
mapPlot <- mapPlot + ggtitle("2012 Election Returns by State")
mapPlot <- mapPlot + ylab("")
mapPlot <- mapPlot + xlab(paste("Each dot represents ",
perNCapita, " voters.", sep = ""))
mapPlot <- mapPlot + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes =
list(shape = 19, alpha = 1)))
# 读取地理信息数据
city = readShapePoly("/home/xuefliang/RInMedicine/city/city_region.shp")
# 将数据转为数据框
gpclibPermit() #install.packages("gpclib", type = "source")
tract <- fortify(city,region="CNTY_CODE")
tract$group <- tract$id
data <- read.csv("/home/xuefliang/RInMedicine/city/data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data$id <- as.character(data$id)
data$A <- round(data$rand*1000)
data$B <- round(data$rand*100)
plotData <- left_join(tract, data)
pointCollector <- list()
for(ss in tract$id){
stateShapeFrame <- tract[tract$id == ss, ]
if(nrow(stateShapeFrame) < 1){next()}
statePoly <- Polygons(lapply(split(stateShapeFrame[, c("long", "lat")],
stateShapeFrame$group), Polygon), ID = "b")
nA <- ceiling(data[data$id == ss, "A"])
nB <- ceiling(data[data$id == ss, "B"])
pA <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nA, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "A") #空间数据抽样,样本数nDems,抽样方法random,regular,stratified,nonaliged,hexagonal,clustered,Fibonacci
pB <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nB, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "B")
allPoints <- data.frame(State = ss, rbind(pA, pB))
pointCollector[[ss]] <- allPoints
stateShapeFrame <- tract[tract$id== "62010000", ]
if(nrow(stateShapeFrame) < 1){next()}
statePoly <- Polygons(lapply(split(stateShapeFrame[, c("long", "lat")],
stateShapeFrame$group), Polygon), ID = "b")
pDems <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nA, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Obama")
toInstall <- c("XML", "maps", "ggplot2", "sp","RCurl","httr","plyr")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
myURL <- ",_2012"
tabs <- getURL(myURL)
allTables <- readHTMLTable(tabs)
#tabs <- GET(myURL)
#allTables <- readHTMLTable(rawToChar(tabs$content), stringsAsFactors = F)
#stateTable = readHTMLTable(readLines(myURL, encoding = "UTF-8"), which = 14, header = T)
#str(allTables) # Look at the allTables object to find the specific table we want
stateTable <- allTables[[14]] # We want the 14th table in the list (maybe 13th?)
# Clean up:
stateTable <- stateTable[2:(nrow(stateTable)-1), ] # Drop summary lines
stateTable <- rename(stateTable,c("V1"="State","V3"="Obama","V6"="Romney","V20"="Total"))
stateTable$State <-, strsplit(as.character(stateTable$State), "\\["))[, 1]
stateTable$State[stateTable$State == "District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia"] <- "District of Columbia"
stateTable$State <-gsub(",", "",stateTable$State)
whichAreNumeric <- colMeans(apply(stateTable, 2, function(cc){
regexpr(",", cc) != -1})) > 0 #判断是否为数字列
stateTable[, whichAreNumeric] <- apply(stateTable[, whichAreNumeric], 2, function(cc){
as.numeric(gsub(",", "", cc))}) #删除数字列中的逗号
new_theme_empty <- theme_bw() # Create our own, mostly blank, theme
new_theme_empty$line <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$rect <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$strip.text <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$axis.text <- element_blank()
#new_theme_empty$axis.title <- element_blank()
new_theme_empty$plot.margin <- structure(c(0, 0, -1, -1), unit = "lines",
valid.unit = 3L, class = "unit")
stateShapes <- map("state", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
stateShapes <- fortify(stateShapes) # 转为数据框
### New stuff begins here ###
pointCollector <- list()
perNCapita <- 1000
for(ss in stateTable$State){
stateShapeFrame <- stateShapes[stateShapes$region == tolower(ss), ]
if(nrow(stateShapeFrame) < 1){next()}
statePoly <- Polygons(lapply(split(stateShapeFrame[, c("long", "lat")],
stateShapeFrame$group), Polygon), ID = "b")
nDems <- ceiling(stateTable[stateTable$State == ss, "Obama"] / perNCapita)
nReps <- ceiling(stateTable[stateTable$State == ss, "Romney"] / perNCapita)
nOther <- ceiling(with(stateTable[stateTable$State == ss, ],
Total - Romney - Obama) / perNCapita)
pDems <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nDems, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Obama") #空间数据抽样,样本数nDems,抽样方法random,regular,stratified,nonaliged,hexagonal,clustered,Fibonacci
pReps <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nReps, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Romney")
if(nOther < 1){
pOther <- data.frame(x = NULL, y = NULL, Vote = NULL)
} else {
pOther <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nOther, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Other")
allPoints <- data.frame(State = ss, rbind(pDems, pReps, pOther))
pointCollector[[ss]] <- allPoints
pointFrame <-, pointCollector)
# Randomize, so we don't overplot "Other" on top of "Romney" on top of "Obama."
pointFrame <- pointFrame[sample(1:nrow(pointFrame), nrow(pointFrame)), ]
mapPlot <- ggplot(stateShapes)
mapPlot <- mapPlot + geom_point(data = pointFrame,
aes(x = x, y = y, colour = Vote),
shape = ".",
alpha = 1/2)
mapPlot <- mapPlot + geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
colour = "BLACK", fill = "transparent")
mapPlot <- mapPlot + coord_map(project="conic", lat0 = 30)
mapPlot <- mapPlot + new_theme_empty
mapPlot <- mapPlot + scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "red", "green"))
mapPlot <- mapPlot + ggtitle("2012 Election Returns by State")
mapPlot <- mapPlot + ylab("")
mapPlot <- mapPlot + xlab(paste("Each dot represents ",
perNCapita, " voters.", sep = ""))
mapPlot <- mapPlot + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes =
list(shape = 19, alpha = 1)))
# 读取地理信息数据
city = readShapePoly("/home/xuefliang/RInMedicine/city/city_region.shp")
# 将数据转为数据框
gpclibPermit() #install.packages("gpclib", type = "source")
tract <- fortify(city,region="CNTY_CODE")
tract$group <- tract$id
data <- read.csv("/home/xuefliang/RInMedicine/city/data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data$id <- as.character(data$id)
data$A <- round(data$rand*1000)
data$B <- round(data$rand*100)
plotData <- left_join(tract, data)
pointCollector <- list()
for(ss in tract$id){
stateShapeFrame <- tract[tract$id == ss, ]
if(nrow(stateShapeFrame) < 1){next()}
statePoly <- Polygons(lapply(split(stateShapeFrame[, c("long", "lat")],
stateShapeFrame$group), Polygon), ID = "b")
nA <- ceiling(data[data$id == ss, "A"])
nB <- ceiling(data[data$id == ss, "B"])
pA <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nA, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "A") #空间数据抽样,样本数nDems,抽样方法random,regular,stratified,nonaliged,hexagonal,clustered,Fibonacci
pB <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nB, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "B")
allPoints <- data.frame(State = ss, rbind(pA, pB))
pointCollector[[ss]] <- allPoints
stateShapeFrame <- tract[tract$id== "62010000", ]
if(nrow(stateShapeFrame) < 1){next()}
statePoly <- Polygons(lapply(split(stateShapeFrame[, c("long", "lat")],
stateShapeFrame$group), Polygon), ID = "b")
pDems <- data.frame(spsample(statePoly, nA, type = "random")@coords,
Vote = "Obama")