library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(magrittr) `%nin%` = Negate(`%in%`) xz <- st_read("D:\\乡镇边界\\乡镇边界.shp") %>% select(Name) %>% st_make_valid() %>% #几何体修正几何图形 st_write("D:\\乡镇边界\\乡镇边界.geojson") xz %>% st_make_valid() xz %>% st_is_valid() %>% as_tibble() -> tst xz %>% filter(na.omit(st_is_valid(xz)) == TRUE) -> xz #过滤冒犯的几何图形(通过基于结果的空间对象的子集) # empty geometries, using any(is.na(st_dimension(x))) # corrupt geometries, using any(is.na(st_is_valid(x))) # invalid geometries, using any(na.omit(st_is_valid(x)) == FALSE); in case of corrupt and/or invalid geometries, # in case of invalid geometries, query the reason for invalidity by st_is_valid(x, reason = TRUE) # you may be succesful in making geometries valid using st_make_valid(x) or, if st_make_valid is not supported by # st_buffer(x, 0.0) on non-corrupt geometries (but beware of the bowtie example above, wh...